How to Prepare Your Garden for Spring
But where should you start to best prepare your garden? In this article, we list things you can do during the months of spring.

In March, most parts of Sweden are still quite wintry. The weather varies considerably and can sometimes offer spring weather, but it can easily get very cold again. This phenomenon can cause problems for some plants that begin to grow in the spring sunlight, which then freeze again when the temperature suddenly drops. A good tip is to protect the plants from direct spring sunlight by using hessian fabric or thick non-woven material.
Your lawn has probably taken a hit during the winter and may contain some moss. It may therefore need a little extra nutrition and care in the spring. The temperature in March is typically too unreliable to start sowing new grass, but you can do the lawn a favour by raking it clean of needles and leaves that have fallen during the winter. This will loosen the lawn and clear away some of the moss that has grown. If your lawn has a lot of moss, you may need to use a special moss remover, which is sprayed over the lawn.
Pruning apple and pear trees
In March, it’s time to show your apple and pear trees some love to give them the best conditions to blossom and produce juicy fruit by the summer. By pruning your fruit trees, you give them the chance to grow more vigorously, and as the branches of the tree become sparser, the sun’s rays reach down to the fruits better.

In most places, by April the ground frost is gone, spring flowers have begun to peek out, and the sun feels a bit warmer. Take the opportunity to clear away leaves and old plant debris from the flowerbeds and improve soil with cow manure. Maybe now it’s also time to take out the patio furniture?
Aerate your lawn and loosen the moss by raking through the lawn with an iron rake or use an efficient verticutter. Then fertilise with chicken manure or grass fertiliser to help the lawn grow and become green. Does your lawn lack grass in some spots? Rake the soil and plant new grass now that spring is here.
Pruning and thinning berry bushes and ornamental shrubs in the spring makes them healthy and makes room for new shoots to grow. It’s important to do this before the sap begins to rise too much. Sap is the nutrient fluid that is transported both from the top of the leaves and needles and from the roots below. This process accelerates the further into the spring and summer we get.
Garden plot
Do you have garden plot? Congratulations, we say!
In April, it’s finally time to start preparing the garden plot for the summer harvest by giving the soil the best possible conditions. The soil is ready to be fertilised when it does not stick to the shovel when you dig into it. At this point, you should add chicken manure and compost or bark mulch. Mix the soil and finish by raking finely. The soil is now ready for planting in May!
Weeds and pests
You may think that the snails have not survived the winter and have left your garden for good? Unfortunately, you’re mistaken, and this is not the time to relax if you want to keep the slimy little creatures away. Instead, start combatting them early this year with the help of snail traps before they have time to lay their hundreds of eggs during the season.
Pest control in the garden
Would you like to know more about pest control in the garden?
Here we share our best tips on how to effectively get rid of uninvited garden guests.

Spring is now here for real and you can finally start working on the whole garden! If you didn’t get a chance back in April, now is the time to clear the flowerbeds, remove any winter coverings, and rake the lawn. Simply put, it’s time to get the garden ready for the summer’s outdoor activities and evening dinners.
For many, it’s time to mow the lawn for the first time this season. Make sure to also fertilise and water the lawn. And maybe sow new grass in areas where winter has taken its toll?
If your lawn has taken a huge beating during the winter and is filled with moss, it may be a good idea to rake the lawn properly with a metal rake or a verticutter. This will remove a lot of the moss, aerate the lawn, and give newly planted grass better conditions to thrive.
Now the weather finally allows more planting of dahlias, perennials, summer flowers, and other plants, in pots and balcony boxes. Just don’t forget to fertilise and add plant nutrients to your houseplants in spring and early summer.
If you have kept summer bulbs in a cool place indoors over the winter, they will be longing to be planted this May. But be sure there will be no more frosty nights before planting the bulbs, otherwise they may not survive the cold.
Vegetable patch
You can also start planting more in the garden plot. May is the perfect month to start planting strawberry seedlings and potatoes. Vegetables such as carrots, lettuce, and beets can also be planted during May.