How to Get Rid of Pests in Your Garden
Unfortunately, it’s common for pests to come and ruin our gardens, which can sometimes lead to distress, material damage or, in the worst case, diseases. The type of pests you can get in your garden depends on where in the country you live and how close to nature you are. But the good news is that you do not have to accept these unwelcome guests, because there are ways to combat them!
Common pests and nuisance animals:
- Birds
- Snails
- Rats and mice
- Flies and mosquitoes
- Insects
- Ants
- Cockroaches
- Deer
- Aphids
- Badgers
Pest control
There are countless products, chemicals, methods and tricks to keep pests out of your treasured garden – everything from traps that capture animals to different types of deterrents to keep animals away.
Scare birds away
In spring and summer, birds will happily come and feed on the berries, fruits, and vegetables that we grow in our gardens. A great tip for keeping unwelcome birds away is to make it unpleasant for them in and around your garden. Mount some ordinary thick wire or a metal wire about 10 centimetres above fences, roof ridges, or gutters where the birds usually sit. The raised wire makes it uncomfortable for the birds to sit, which means they will look for other places and hopefully leaving your garden alone. You can also put up bird spikes, which you can buy from us.
Netting and bird scarers
If you want to protect berries and vegetables that you grow, you can place netting over them, making it difficult for the birds to get to your plants. Also set up one or two bird scarers close to your vegetable patch or fruit trees. Bird scarers effectively deter both large and small birds.
Mice and rats in the garden
Gnawing mice and rats can spoil a lot in your garden when they come visiting. But there are plenty of things you can do to stop them visiting or to catch them once they arrive.
1. Garbage bin
Mice and rats are almost always looking for food, and that’s a big reason they make their way into our gardens and houses. It’s therefore important that you never store garbage and food waste easily accessible to the rodents, but dispose of everything in a bin with a proper lid.
2. Clean and tidy
To avoid mice and rats, it’s important to not make it comfortable for them in your garden. Don’t store timber, slabs or other objects in the open, which the rodents can use as hiding places. Also make sure you don’t have too many objects, bushes, dense flowerbeds, or high grass alongside your house walls, because rodents love these. And don’t let food stand outside in the garden too long, since it quickly attracts a variety of pests.
3. Traps and scarers
If rodents have already found a home in your garden, you will need a mouse trap! You can use a traditional mouse trap or rat trap that catches the vermin, or a mouse trap consisting of a ladder with a seesaw board placed on a large bucket.
Another effective tool for keeping rodents away is a mole scarer that you insert into the ground. The scarer emits ultrasound which effectively scares away vermin like mice, moles, and voles.
Combat slugs
Slugs are very unwelcome visitors in the garden, and they can destroy most plants and vegetables patches if they are not stopped. And they must be stopped quickly! Slugs lay approximately 400 eggs a season.
Protect your plants from slugs
If you have a problem with slugs crawling into your planter boxes or pots, you can buy a metal edge for the planter box, which slugs and snails can’t cross. You can also wrap copper tape around planter boxes, pots, or other plant containers to keep slugs away. A weak electric shock is produced between the copper tape and the slug slime, which makes the slugs turn away immediately.

Metal edges - Equip your pallet collars with metal edges that keep the snails away.

Snail trap - Effective snail trap that catches the snails, without using any toxic agents.
Make your own snail trap
Set up snail traps in the areas the snails move. You can easily make your own snail trap using a container, beer, and water. Mix equal parts beer and water in the container and make it easily accessible so the snails can crawl down into it. Snails like beer, so they will be attracted to the trap where they crawl down and get caught in the beer mixture. You can also buy snail traps from us.
Robotic lawnmowers combat slugs
In addition to keeping your lawn trim, robotic lawnmowers are also effective against slugs. Snails and slugs do not like the electric perimeter wire placed on the lawn, nor do they thrive in short grass. They are also disturbed by the lawnmower moving around on the lawn, which keeps them away.
Mosquito traps and insect killers
Small flying invaders, such as mosquitoes, flies, and wasps, can quickly spoil a cosy dinner in the garden or a quiet moment in the hammock. But don’t worry, there are effective ways to deter them.
In our range you will find insect killers for both indoor and outdoor use. You will also find an LED lamp with UV light that attracts mosquitoes and incapacitates them with an electric shock when they approach the light. If you want to eliminate the insects quickly, you can also use an insect spray or a mosquito racquet. To prevent insects from entering your house or apartment, you can set up mosquito screens in the doorways.