How to prune your apple trees

How to prune your apple trees

Apple trees are popular in many gardens. With apples, you can make everything from your own applesauce to delicious apple cakes – it’s a true family favourite. But for apple trees to give you good apples, they need to be taken care of properly. We will guide you in what you need to consider when pruning your apple trees.

Why should I prune my apple tree?

For your apple trees to produce delicious apples every season, you need to prune them correctly. When you prune your apple tree, you give the tree better conditions to produce more and more consistent fruit, and the tree branches also become stronger and more durable.

When should I prune my apple tree?

If you have younger apple trees, these should be pruned during their early spring growth phase, so around March to May. Older apple trees, which just need to be maintained, can be pruned in the JAS period (July-September). Yearly maintenance pruning of your apple tree gives the tree favourable conditions for a good harvest, and it retains its shape well. Apple trees are quite hardy and often require a slightly heavier pruning than, for example, plum trees.

How to prune your apple tree

The way you should prune your apple tree to give it the best growing conditions depends on how old it is.

How to prune older apple trees

Older, well-established apple trees only need to be pruned once during the JAS period (July, August, and September).

  1. Cut off diseased and dead branches. Keep in mind that if you cut off branches infected with, for example, fruit tree canker, you must sterilise the secateurs after each cut, so that you do not spread the infection to other branches. The easiest method of sterilisation is to dip the secateurs in methylated spirits.

  2. Along the tree’s crown, cut away branches growing in the wrong direction, i.e. the branches growing towards the crown or into the surrounding branches. You want the crown of the tree to be sparse and airy so that sunlight is let in.

How to prune younger apple trees

During the first year of the apple tree you have the chance to shape a sustainable tree, with a neat crown. As a rule, you should wait until the apple tree’s second year before you start pruning to give it time to root properly. Younger apple trees should be pruned during March-May.

  1. Cut off any branches growing towards the crown or growing into each other.

  2. Also cut off branches that have acute branch angles (i.e. they grow sharply upwards instead of outwards). This will help prevent the branches from being weighed down and breaking once they bear fruit.

Apple tree pruning tools

The tools you use must be sharp, since dull tools can damage the cut surface and thus injure your apple trees. To prune your apple trees, it is beneficial to use:

All pruning tools and accessories

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