Is a tricycle the right bike for your child?
When you buy your child's first bike, you basically have three choices. You can choose to buy a:
Tricycles are quite simply bicycles that have three wheels. They are often quite low to the ground and thus very stable.
A tricycle is generally suitable for children from about one and a half years to two years, up to about five or six years of age. From there, you can choose to let your child use a balance bike or a children's bike with stabiliser wheels.
You'll also find a hybrid between a balance bike and a tricycle in Biltema's range. By putting on the detachable pedals, the bicycle is transformed into a pedal bike. This model is suitable for children between two and four years of age.
Things to think about when buying a tricycle
When buying a tricycle for your child, make sure that the bike meets the following requirements:
- adjustable saddle
- adjustable handlebars is a plus
- low weight (our models weigh between 3.3 kg and 4 kg)
- colour
Our pedal bikes are available in several different colours. The easiest thing to do is to take the child to one of our stores to see the various tricycles for themselves. Once you have chosen the model and colour, you can then complete your purchase!
Yosemite by Biltema
Our solid range of bicycles from Yosemite by Biltema has been developed for getting up-close and active in our Nordic nature. Discover our bikes and embark on adventures in lush forests, along miles of country roads or in the vibrant city.
Here you can find inspiration and the right bike for you.
Frequently asked questions about tricycles
From what age can children use a tricycle?
Children can usually start riding tricycles from around the age of one and a half.
How does a tricycle work?
A tricycle has one wheel at the front and two wheels at the rear to improve balance.
Can I maintain the bike myself?
Absolutely! You can easily perform some bicycle maintenance yourself, with the help of the right tools and guidance. Get help from our guides and movies here.